Elevate worship with this exquisitely built and well cared for Tracker Pipe Organ
Built by Karl Wilhelm (2002- 23 ranks-details below)

This stunning Wilhelm Pipe Organ was constructed using traditional methods. It has mechanical key and stop action, and is divided into three sections: the Great, the Swell, and the Pedal. The organ features natural keys made of cow bone and ebony sharps, with a casework of solid white oak. The pipe shades above the pipes are designed with motifs from stained glass windows for both acoustical and visual enhancement. The façade pipes are 75% pure polished tin, while other metal pipes are made of an alloy of 40% tin and 60% lead. The instrument has a wedge-shaped bellows and winding configuration for a dynamic wind effect. The Wilhelm organ is a blend of classic German and French styles, with a variety of principal choruses, flutes, strings, and reed stops. The temperament after Vallotti contributes to the brilliant sound of the organ, providing six pure fifths. Click here to download detailed specifications/stoplist 

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