Swell Box Design and Construction (Part Two)

“What musical goal were these builders striving for? The answer lies in the very purpose of any Swell division: dynamic expression.”  

Curious to read more? Ever wondered about the technical detail of an organ? Here we’ve posted the manuscript for all of our supporters to read. Please enjoy and be sure to also read Part One posted earlier this year.

Click here to read the article in Adobe PDF format.

A sincere congratulations to our team, James Tickel, James Leek, and Natalie Leek here at Leek Pipe Organ Company for featuring in the August 2019 AIO Quarterly-Journal of American Organ Building. Our thanks also to the Editor – Mr. Frederick Bahr for tying up the loose ends.

If you want to learn more about pipe organs please consider visiting the sites below.

Organ Historical Society

American Institute of Organ Builders

Organs are complex instruments and can quickly become frustrating when they are not working properly. At Leek Pipe Organ Company we build and restore organs so you can create inspirational services and events for people to enjoy.

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Each organ is unique in its action, acoustic character and is built to fit its location. Our seasoned team can help you with a custom assessment to determine its current value.

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